Ninja+ by Matthew Garrett
Ninja+ is without a doubt the BEST version of the Chinese Linking Rings you will EVER see! Don't Take my word for it. Magicians from all over the world have said the same thing including World Champion Magician Jeff McBride and Scam Nation's Brian Brushwood. Matthew Garrett, the Creator of Ninja+ won Closeup Magician of the Year 2010 at the Magic Circle in London with Ninja+. Michael O'Brien won first place at the Strolling Olympics 2018 at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles as well as performed on Penn & Teller Fool Us with Ninja+. This is not a silly parlour trick. This is an award winning, tried and true, audience tested piece that we promise will live in your working material.
The Ninja+ Range
Over the years, Matthew Garrett has expanded on the original linking ring plot. Whether you join a wedding band, poker chip, or even a solid steel ballbearing, the goal is the same; Perform something impossible, then IMMEDIATELY hand that impossible object out to be fully examined by the spectator. Check out each product using the links below. You can purchase ring sets individually OR bundle them together and save some $$$!
Over the years, Matthew Garrett has expanded on the original linking ring plot. Whether you join a wedding band, poker chip, or even a solid steel ballbearing, the goal is the same; Perform something impossible, then IMMEDIATELY hand that impossible object out to be fully examined by the spectator. Check out each product using the links below. You can purchase ring sets individually OR bundle them together and save some $$$!